Module 3.3.1 Replanning and scheduling jobs from my work and work planner views

By the end of this module you'll be able to replan and reschedule repeating jobs from the work planner using the actions or quick replan options, and know how the 'replan always updates schedule' setting on your account effects future appointments.


3.3.1 Replanning and scheduling jobs from the ‘My Work’ and ‘Work Planner’ views

Users with the planner role, the swipe left option or the ‘My Work’ or ‘Work planner’ views will open the replan dialog rather than just offering the skip option.

  • The toggle for updating future appointments on any recurring jobs will reflect the global ‘replan updates schedule’ setting mentioned previously.
  • You can switch this setting to act differently from the default using the toggle then choose the date to replan the appointment to - tomorrow, next week or select a date; which opens up the calendar.
  • Once selected, this appointment will move to the new date and change on the planner views for any users with access to the job.
  • When the ‘replan always updates schedule’ setting is set to ‘on’; the whole schedule will update retaining the frequency on the job schedule.

This can also be done in bulk by multi selecting the jobs in the list using the avatars to the left, or the select all option at the top of the group. This opens up the actions at the top where the replan icon can be selected to open up the replan dialog for all selected jobs and the toggle can be switched from the default.

For quicker replanning, you can press on any day that is highlighted in purple on the planner to move the selected jobs to, and this will use the default without the replan dialog step and the option to switch.


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