Squeegee Release Notes 2017
4th July 2023
Our previous release notes were taking up too much space in the app :) so we have moved them here. You'll still get the latest update in the app each time, with a link to the history here.
December 18th 2017 - Squeegee 0.9.10
0.9.10 New Features Added 🚀
- Stripe integration added to collect payments from customers and include a payment link in their invoice
0.9.10 Bugs Smashed 💥
- Email notifications expanded greatly to include statuses of delivered, opened and clicked
- The paid date will now be shown against a job occurrence
- Invoice summary will now be full screen
- Payments auto allocated against invoices and removed when voided
- Day Pilot informs you if any changes have been made since the route was optimised
- To avoid duplicate jobs on a day, you can no longer replan a job to a day it already occurs
- Rescheduling will now obey the next due date rather than the start date
- Text local settings correctly ask for API key now rather than username/password
- Day Pilot text no longer overlaps the actions
- Overdue jobs, swipe no longer stops working after one use
- Day Pilot zooms out to all jobs when deselecting a job
- Send message screen height fixed when no notification method is available
- Frequency picker now saves after prompt to update schedule
November 23rd 2017 - Squeegee 0.9.2-0.9.9
0.9.2 New Features Added 🚀
- Sign in and sign up made more reliable and performant
- Day pilot - Overhauled with UX and performance improvements
- Insights - Full reports on your financial and work performance
- Subscription Management - Upgrade to pro, enter payment info and cancel
- Schedule items - Big ux improvements to clearly show status, customer balance and get to invoice / payment info
- Notifications - Better handling of errors and improved UX so you can see real time progress
- Emails - Appear to come from your email address rather than squeegee
- SmartRound Import now available in settings
0.9.2 Bugs Smashed 💥
- Day pilot - stop map from scrolling
- Day pilot - issue fixed with map changes
- Day pilot - scroll was incorrectly disabled
- Fix layout issues on small screen
- Notifications - lots of issues fixes with sending and tracking progress of sent notifications emails and SMS
- Notifications - only sent when they are pending
- General -Improvement in best host resolution
- Work planner - schedule items now update correctly when status is changed
- Backup management implemented as on demand service instead of auto backup
- Session caching to take off unnecessary load
- Feedback and rating request now on launch
- App / server Version compatibility update. 0.9.2/0.9.2
- Subscription - implemented subscribe to pro mechanisms, ability to add promo's and payment integrations,
- Layout improved on iOS when keyboard is opened
- Ability to update customer email address when invoicing if no email is present
- Data syncing stability improvements
- Schedule item changes colour to reflect status
- Invoicing - payments now get allocated correctly
- Schedule Item - now shows status clearly
- Schedule Item - shows invoice and payment link to quickly open them from completed job
- Address lookup - height wasn't correct on all devices
- Schedule Item - now shows invoiced as orange to make it obvious needs payment
- Sign up - Ability to resent verification email
- Customers - Request payment email fixed
- Customers - Title cases customer name even if it is entered all lower case
- Customers - Fixes customer search filtering not working on Owing tab
- Email notification - email formatting fixed
- Implemented functionality ready for customer invoices
- Customer financials user experience improved, icons and colours
- Customer form notification / balance owing options fixed
- Implement error management so we can help out before they get too frustrated!
- Work planner - sorting now on rounds first etc
- Cancelling transactions - ux improvements
- Job schedule - default duration now set correctly
- Day pilot - fixed layout and style issues
- Add Customer - now a stepper ui to improve UX
- Email notifications address will be business email address rather than squeegee!
- Day pilot - now retains numbering of items as they are done to highlight days progress
- Authentication - sign-up and login rewritten to be more secure and stable
- SmartRound importer - import from SmartRound
- Settings - Updated settings list styling
- Settings - Updated manage account screen list styling
- Financials insights - see current and future financial overview
- Job insights - see how well you are on top of your work
- Services - removed misleading revenue values
- Sync - Cross synchronisations between devices now more performant
- Financials - do a settling balance on customers that are in debit/credit and are deleted
- Sync - triggered when app is resumed
- Job Duration - better simpler ux