Module 9.1 Adding jobs to customers

By the end of this module, you will be able to add jobs to customers and schedule these in on different frequencies.


9.1 Adding jobs to customers

From the options under the customer details, you can create

  • an appointment (normally an appointment to create a quote)
  • a quote itself or
  • a job.

The form looks almost identical for each, how to add a job is shown in this module and how to add appointments and quotes in module 13.

The job address The job form starts with the job address - this is set as the same as the customer address by default, but can be edited for the job to be at a different address, and multiple jobs at different addresses can be added to one customer with the one billing address.

Add Services Next add services - either choose from an existing service or you can add new services to your list, then select any that apply to the job.

Pricing by job or by service Next, choose how to price the job. Pricing by services separates multiple services by line giving subtotals and pricing by job just gives the one overall price.

Initial Price Some recurring jobs require a one off initial price where the first job is larger or you are providing a special offer which can be set here.

The Schedule The schedule will automatically set the job with today’s date on your default frequency set under jobs and scheduling in global settings. Once you press on this, you can change from the default frequency and date.

If you work monthly, our recommendation is to set every x months on the x WEEK and select a day, this way the job day doesn't change for the client and you don't end up having to reschedule because the job lands on a day you don't work.

Once you have set the frequency, you can add

  • a different first date if this is required,
  • a time,
  • the job duration,
  • an assignee for the job (if this is the same on every occurrence)
  • a round,
  • specific job notes (which again can't be viewed by the customer but can be seen by workers who have the job assigned to them, and
  • specific job notes for the invoice.

Finally there are some settings, whether you wish to

  • track time,
  • require a signature
  • Set the job state to active or inactive.


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