Module 8.5 Importing Customers

By the end of this module, businesses will know how to either request an import from another system or prepare their own import file.


8.5: Importing customers from spreadsheets or other systems

To import data in bulk from another system, we have a number of options:

We have built-in importers for

  • Cleaner Planner,
  • George,
  • Aworka and
  • smart round

as well as a csv template for importing data on a spreadsheet into the system.

Squeegee csv template You can input your data directly onto this template to import yourself by following the example row as a template or we offer a custom import service from the app just attach your data to the request a quote message and we'll get back to you with an estimate on how long it would take us with a price for the time taken.

If you are going to input your own data into the correct format for the importer, there are a few things to note:

there needs to be data in the address field, telephone numbers need to be entered and saved as text not numbers or initial zeros will be removed by excel etc, job price needs to be set as numbers, and date needs to be YYYY-MM-DD.


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