Route Optimisation and Day Pilot

Optimise your appointments to ensure the most efficient routes are taken by workers and clients aren't ever disappointed.

If your work is appointments based in multiple locations, then route optimisation is essential to ensure time efficiency in travelling between jobs to maximise productivity.

Choose between: Intelligent optimised route which is calculated to make the most efficient route round all jobs for the day for each worker, or manual ordering if there is a specific route that needs to be followed (say for example as a bin-cleaning company following the waste collection lorry's route.)

Mirror the optimised route on each of the planners, with real-time updates if new jobs are added, or plans change and work is reassigned to another user or marked as skipped.

Intelligent optimisation from any given start and end point

Set unique start and end points for each worker and let the Day Pilot calculate their most efficient route for completing all jobs scheduled in for the day.

Choose your preferred mapping app from the device in use and you're all set!

Use route optimisation per user and for the whole team

Allow workers to select the optimise drive feature to find the best route for them, or do this for workers as an admin from the work planner filtered by user or team

The overview shows today's job for administrators to see how the work is going for that day in real-time.

It shows job locations as well as worker/team locations where they last had the app open and job statuses allowing you to see progress as they day goes on.

Click into any job location marker to view the details, see the update history and any attached invoices, images and documents.

See how businesses using Day-Pilot and route optimisation rate using Squeegee

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