Bank Reconciliation in Squeegee

Save hours of admin time in reconciling payments and expenses with Squeegee's seamless integration with TrueLayer. Use the intelligent matching system to speed through all transactions within any date range.

Do you love having your own business but hate having to deal with the admin side of things?

Do you sit with your billing and payments software open and your bank account and spend hours manually matching payments?

STOP! Stop spending time manually reconciling payments and expenses!

Try using Squeegee's bank reconciliation feature to speed things up:

Import transactions directly from your bank account and match payments in to customers and invoices, and match up or create expense transactions.

Match all transactions in just a few easy steps

Sync all transactions within any date range for fast and easy reconciliation.

The intelligent matcher will give a percentage of certainty with each match it finds, then this increases with accurately matched transactions in future, providing other similar transactions as suggestions to also match at the same time.

Reconciling expenses

Set the tax rate per expense type to accurately record expenses in Squeegee

Ensure all reports accurately reflect the amount of tax due by entering the correct tax rate for each expense type during the reconciliation process.

Have Squeegee expense categories set up with the tax rate globally, then just tweak if needed before reconciling.

How bank reconciliation has helped our customers with their financial admin

save time and money like these businesses

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