A visual explanation  of the 'replan updates schedule' setting in Squeegee

The ESSENTIAL setting to get right when using Squeegee

Susie Bishop
28th February 2023

How does your business operate when it comes to overdue work?

If you have lots of recurring jobs on your schedule and you need to replan some appointments, would you want them to:

a. stay as they were?


b. update to retain the frequency set?

Here's an example:

A 4 weekly appointment that is normally on Mondays is completed on the Friday of that week, 4 days late.

If you don't update the schedule, the following appointment will stick to the original schedule like this:

Originally planned for Monday 13th March, completed on Friday 17th March,

Next appointment: Monday 10th April with a 3 week and 3 day gap between appointments, then returning back to the 4 weekly cycle after this next appointment on Mondays every 4 weeks.

If you do update the schedule, the following appointment will move to retain the frequency and be updated like this:

Originally planned for Monday 13th March, completed on Friday 17th March,

Next appointment: Friday 14th April retaining the 4 week frequency between appointments and continuing to keep this frequency then on Fridays every 4 weeks from there.

How to enable this setting

This setting is set globally in settings under jobs and scheduling and affects all replanned jobs that have the schedule set on the job rather than the round.

There are a few ways to replan jobs, one doesn't perform a check and automatically uses the global setting, the other allows a toggle to be switched away from the global setting.

When multi-selecting jobs from the work planner or 'my work' and then selecting a new date on the chart at the top, the check isn't performed and the jobs move using the global setting.

If instead the replan dialog is opened by selecting the jobs you wish to move and pressing on the 'replan' action to the top right, a toggle at the top of the dialog will allow you to switch between updating the schedules and only moving the selected appointments leaving the future schedules as they were.

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